Sports company PUMA has introduced a new shoebox design which will save 2800 tonnes of cardboard every year, as part of its sustainability strategy to make a positive environmental impact across its product range.
The new shoeboxes, which have been rolled out in 2021, are just one element of PUMA’s commitment to make its retail supplies more sustainable. By 2023, the company will also no longer use plastic bags in its stores and will also switch other retail supplies, such as hangers and shoe trees, to more sustainable alternatives.

“If we consider that it takes about 12 trees to make a tonne of cardboard, we are saving 33,600 trees every year. That is more than the number of trees in Central Park in New York,” said Stefan Seidel, Head of Corporate Sustainability at PUMA. “Such initiatives, which are part of our 10FOR25 Sustainability Strategy, help us make a positive impact at scale.”
The new shoeboxes are just as sturdy as their predecessors and are made of more than 95 % recycled cardboard.
Earlier this year, PUMA announced a partnership with not-for-profit environmental organization Canopy and said it would source all of its cardboard and paper packagings from recycled or certified sources to ensure they are not derived from the world’s most egral forests.
PUMA’s 10FOR25 targets cover a wide range of sustainability topics including Climate Action, Human Rights, Circularity as well as Plastics and the Ocean. The targets are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable development goals and ensure that PUMA works on making its core business more sustainable.